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How to Delete Your Facebook Account Easily?

How to Delete Your Facebook Account Easily?

Jeorge Belly 995 18-Oct-2019

If you have decided that Facebook isn’t for you, which means it is not beneficial for you. It’s time to delete or deactivate your account. It is not clear how to delete the account itself. Don’t worry, we are here to help. Follow these steps.

Deactivate or Delete Facebook Account. 

Facebook allows users to remove their accounts from this platform by using two ways.

Deleting a Facebook Account. 

If someone goes to delete Facebook account which means you are deleting FB account permanently. This deleting action will erase everything off your account like profile, photos, Videos, Post, Timelines, Friends, and followers. After deleting the Facebook account, you will be nothing left there.

Deactivating FB Account. 

There is a little different between the Deleting account and the Deactivating account.

When you delete your account then it is permanently deleted or deactivates your Facebook account, it can be reactivated at any time and your all data will appear as you had left.

How to Delete Facebook Account. 

If you are ready to delete the Facebook account permanently, follow these ways to delete account.

Go to Facebook Account and sign in. 

Go to the Delete my account page.

Click the delete my account section.

You will be asked to enter your password and captcha. Fill it.

Finally, Hit the OK button.

Your account successfully deleted.

In case, you are not able to delete or deactivate your account, visit here for more information how to deactivate Facebook account, How to enable deleted account within 14 days, How can I reactive my deactivated account, etc. 

Updated 18-Oct-2019
This is Jeorge Belly. This sites provides services related to Facebook, printer, Dell printer, etc.

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